Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Morphsuits 'Get Morph'

Kevin along with director Reuban Dangoor, has given morphsuits their advertising debut in this campaign, which proves how much MORPH'FUN morphsuits are showing off the colourful world of costume.

Director: Reuben Dangoor @ Rogue films
Agency: Mr.President
Editor: Kevin Palmer

Friday, 22 August 2014

O2- 'Cinemahead'

o2's latest campaign, cut by Quin, introduces us to two brilliantly memorable converts to the 'good life'. Here we meet rude boy Ziz who has swapped gaming for picking up ladies at the cinema, thanks to o2 priority.
The interactive campaign is another ode to James De Frond's comic direction.

Director: James De Frond
Agency: VCCP
Editor: Quin Williams

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Three - We're Sorry

High Five's in order to Bill for his cut in Three's latest campaign. The ad features a heartfelt apology for all the beach selfies and hot dog legs we have innocently received this summer, whilst shivering in our air-conditioned offices. It's a brave way of promoting Three's new feature and the press is having a field day!

Director: Ric Cantor @ Hungry Man
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Editor: Billy Mead

Friday, 8 August 2014

Walker's - Market Deli

This spot, directed by Ed St Giles and cut by Kevin Palmer, features a delicious line up of continental delicacies to promote Walker's new Market Deli range. It puts your bog standard bag of ready salted crisps to shame! We wouldn't have minded being on this shoot!

Director: Ed St Giles @ The Sweet Shop
Agency: AMV
Editor: Kevin Palmer