Friday, 13 July 2012 - Finding Love

Some people wait a lifetime to meet that special person and fall in love. Others fall in and out of love their whole lives. There's no right or wrong, it's something we're all searching for there's no doubt about that. However, before we can really understand love and make the most of it I guess the big question we need to ask ourselves love? To even begin to think about answering that question you need experience. I'm not talking about bed hopping or Infernos on a friday. I'm talking about DATES! The timely tradition of courting a lady has been practiced by humans for thousands of years, it's a tried and tested formula and guess what, it works. As with all things on earth it's had to evolve and as we live most of our lives through the internet, it's no surprise that internet dating has become so popular. As say, 1 in 5 relationships now start online.

This spot for involves 2 members of the said dating website and follows their journey from initial contact to date night.

Director: Fred & Nick @ Pulse Films
Producer: Shirley O'Connor
Agency: Mother
Editor: Billy Mead