Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Post Office - Handled With Care

I think many people, including myself, only relate the Post Office to...well...posting stuff? Naturally. Oh and maybe those bonds that your Grandparents set up for you as a child that accrue an extra £30 over the 20 years it's been sat there. However, I think the Post Office have realised this (probably not the real reason) and come up with a brand new campaign to reposition and modernise itself as a brand that can take care of all the important things in life. 

Directed by creative genius and tenthree favourite Walter Campbell, the ad features people travelling, moving house, keeping in touch by mail, phone and online. It's beautifully shot and narrated by an employee of the Post Office, describing how his average day can affect people's lives.
Director: Walter Campbell @ Serious Pictures
Producer: Donnie Masters
Agency: Dare
Editor: Quin Williams & Billy Mead