It's fair to say tenthree are a festive bunch. We put our tree up yesterday, Michael Buble is playing on repeat in reception and not 5 minutes passes without hearing, "I'm going to Pret. Who wants a Crimble Crumble".
So when AMV approached us in April to work on their Sainsbury's Christmas ad we thought Christmas had…well…er…come early. Then Billy and the amazing team from AMV of Colin, Phil and Suzy, set to work turning hours and hours of home video footage into an ad that goes from the sublime to the ridiculous to the downright heartwarming we loved every second of it.
After all the hard work the response to the ad has be amazing and we got an early Christmas present today as it got voted number one in Campaign reader's top 10 Christmas ads as well as featuring in this month's Beak Street Bugle High Five.
Not to be out done Becs' Aldi Chocolate Reindeer spot was 4th. A Christmas double whammy. Well done guys.
Agency: AMV BBDO
Editor: Billy Mead